Teacher Mabo, Leading “Hong Kong Reggio Emilia Study Group”!

Teacher Mabo is one of the founders of “Hong Kong Reggio Emilia Study Group." Tonight, he lead the group for lecture, discussions and demonstrations. It was such an honor for a tiny playgroup teacher to lead Hong Kong's innovative educators! Thank…

Frog Day, March 14th 2017

Today, was wet foggy day, Somehow, frogs were soooo busy "ribbit-ing." How busy were they? Even when we were staying inside the classroom, we could hear them. Youtube Video: Villaggio's Frog Ribbit!   So, today was a FROG…

日本幼兒教育專家參觀Villaggio Dei Bambini!


Walking in a Farmland

Last Friday, we went walking in the farmland near us. Finally, Hong Kong became cold season, but nature is preparing for the Spring!         Have a nice day!

Learning with Butterfly

This morning started by observing a butterfly.   [KGVID]https://www.villaggiodeibambini.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MOV_7334.mp4[/KGVID]     [KGVID]https://www.villaggiodeibambini.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MOV_7341.mp4[/KGVID]             Our…

Friday's Excursion: Fu Shin Street ( 富善街 )

Every week, we try to take children out of Lam Tsuen Village to explore and experience wider & deeper environment and community.  We decide the excursion location based on discussion with children and our observation of children. What's…

Villaggio的學校文化②:食育 (中文)

食育:Villaggio的學校文化②   飲食是一項人類最基本的日常活動。John Dewey, 一位對應用Reggio Emilia啟發式教學法的老師有著深厚影響的人曾說:‘教育就是生活本身。’因此,在Villaggio…

Food Education: 食育 ( Villaggio’s School Culture II)

    Eating is the most basic life activity for human beings.  John Dewey, who greatly influences teachers using the Reggio Emilia Inspired Approach, said, "Education is life itself."   So, at Villaggio dei Bambini, food, meals,…

Light and Reflection

  Playing in the light and reflection. In this setting, children's imagination is provoked and their dramatic play is enriched. For the young ones, it's a great hands on sensory experience to dive into this... Well, maybe…